Greenfield 840 Extensive lawns
A wild lawn mixture for all extensively planted and maintained lawns and fallow fields. Also ideal for covering areas of exposed soil, since 20% of the mixture consists of reliably germinating ryegrass with good root penetration and rapid soil coverage by low-growing plants. The mixture is mainly used on restoration sites, slopes, landfills, etc. Insects are also drawn to the mixture due to the nectar and pollen that its flower and clover species offer.
Bundle: 10 kg bag
Art.-No.: 69840
Brand: Greenfield
Category: Professional mixtures, Lawns new seeding
- Sowing and fertilising instructionsSowing rate:
15 g/m²
Areas of application:extensively used areas, greening of raw soil, etc.
Care requirements:low
Reach:10 kg: 660 m²
- Ingredients
- Creeping red fescue (30 %)
- Perennial ryegrass (20 %)
- Hard fescue (15 %)
- Smooth-stalked meadow grass (15 %)
- Chewing’s fescue (9 %)
- Sainfoin (5 %)
- Crimson clover (3.5 %)
- Salad burnet (1 %)
- Bird’s-foot trefoil (0.5 %)
- Black medick (0.5 %)
- Yarrow (0.5 %)