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A contribution to the preservation of a healthy nature

In recent years, environmental issues such as insect mortality and the loss for many animals and plants of their natural habitats have received a great deal of public attention. There has been a significant increase in efforts to curb this trend, and many garden owners are keen to contribute to preserving natural habitats and species diversity.


Feldsaaten Freudenberger has been trading in seeds for over 70 years and has extensive experience in the field of seeds for greening and the creation of near-natural flowering areas. Feldsaaten Freudenberger trades flower and herb seeds of hundreds of species and combines them into magnificent flowering mixtures. One of the most important product groups in the range are fodder and green manure plants, which have been supplied to customers for decades as an important part of soil management in sustainable agriculture. Feldsaaten Freudenberger primarily serves farmers who need this seed in large quantities with this wide range of products.


Now customers can also buy this range of products in small quantities, sold under the ReNatura® brand. Seeds from the Flower seeds (Blütenpracht) and Cover crops (Landsaaten) product groups also belong to this brand. Both groups contain a large number of products that have been designed specifically for private users. Thus private users, too, can benefit from our decades of experience in the professional sector.


In addition to high-quality seeds, there is also the ReNatura® Bird feed (Vogelwelt) product group, which includes a variety of foodstuff for wild birds.