Greenfield 240 Recreational lawn - Herbal lawn
A mixture for home gardens, residential areas and public green spaces with low-growing, native herbs and meadow flowers. Suitable for all sites, except for extremely wet or nutrient-rich soils. This slow-growing mixture has very low to low maintenance requirements, such that 4-8 cuts per year are entirely sufficient. More frequent mowing can lead to some species disappearing from the lawn area. When mowing, the cuts should not be too low, since this will cause some flowers and herbs to lose their ability to regrow and will disappear from the mixture. The presence of flowering species allows nectar-collecting insects to benefit from areas where it is planted.
Bundle: 10 kg bag
Art.-No.: 69240
Brand: Greenfield
Category: Professional mixtures, Lawns new seeding
- Sowing and fertilising instructionsSowing rate:
10-15 g/m²
Areas of application:home gardens, residential settlements and usable, public greens
Care requirements:low to very low
Reach:10 kg: 660-1000 m²
- Ingredients
- Chewing’s fescue (20 %)
- Creeping red fescue (20 %)
- Smooth-stalked meadow grass (18 %)
- Red fescue with short runners (10 %)
- Bentgrass red (5 %)
- Hard fescue (5 %)
- Perennial ryegrass (3 %)
- Common heal-all (2 %)
- Ox-eye daisy (2 %)
- Rough-stalked meadow grass (2 %)
- Breckland thyme (1.5 %)
- Meadow sage (1.5 %)
- Bird’s-foot trefoil (1 %)
- Crimson clover (1 %)
- Hoary plantain (1 %)
- Maiden pink (1 %)
- Salad burnet (1 %)
- Rough hawkbit (0.8 %)
- Autumn dandelion (0.5 %)
- Black medick (0.5 %)
- Meadow knapweed (0.5 %)
- Red clover (0.5 %)
- Smooth hawksbeard (0.5 %)
- Spring cinquefoil (0.5 %)
- Yarrow (0.5 %)
- Hedge bedstraw (0.2 %)
- Yellow bedstraw (0.2 %)