Grassland and feed crops
Your selection
With its proven range of mixtures for grassland and feed crop sowing, ProGreen® offers a high-quality and reliable catalogue for agriculture. There are various grassland mixtures for creating and maintaining meadows and pastures which have been optimised for the most diverse locations and intensity of use. In addition to high-quality grasses, there are also mixtures that contain other suitable components, such as various types of clover. The feed crop range includes both annual and perennial mixtures for different intensities of use.
- Horse pastures
The right way to successful horse management
There are various factors that must be considered and coordinated to meet the needs of a horse. In addition to distinctive social behaviour, nutritional physiology plays a particularly important role in the welfare of a horse. Intensive pasture management is imperative to do justice to this requirement, since the horse is a plains animal and therefore a herbivore. Mixed fields rich in grasses and diverse species guarantee dietary balance of their feed. Bearing this in mind, pasture and hay fields must be monitored closely. Attention must be paid to the composition of the species (proportions) and bald patches in the fields.
- Vineyard greening
Also for fruit cultivation and fir tree forests
The soil structure of many vineyards has been damaged by years of single-crop cultivation and selective cover cropping (mostly grassing). Soil compaction and lack of humus are the most common problems. Mistakes from the past must be eliminated through short- and long-term measures for cultivation and cover crops. The aim is to keep the soil fertility intact in order to provide the vines with balanced nutrition. Without this, there can be no healthy growth – which is imperative to ensure satisfactory development of the grapes and produce high-quality wines. This applies to both organic and conventional viticulture. The success of sowing depends just as much on ideal and good soil preparation as on a sufficient supply of water.
- Gameland seed mixtures
Nature – the habitat of wild animals
Due to the changes in our agricultural landscape over time, wild animals and insects face a steadily decreasing habitat. At the same time, nature is becoming increasingly important for providing leisure activities for city dwellers. This means that it is becoming more and more difficult for wild animals and insects to find a retreat. Agricultural crops provide shelter and food seasonally. In order to counteract potential conflict between humans and nature, wild animals, birds and insects can be offered a retreat by planting wildlife food plots and wildflower strips. These not only promote diversity in the species-poor agricultural landscape but also ensure preservation of biodiversity and a dietary, natural food supply for wild animals.
- Catch crop & flower mixtures
For healthy soil and more biodiversity
ProGreen® stands for species-rich mixtures in catch crop cultivation as well as colourful wildflower strips and patches. These mixtures simultaneously achieve different purposes and are thus not only useful to the farmer but also make a valuable contribution to species diversity. Depending on the application, the mixtures contain between 3 and 25 species. This product diversity means that there is an appropriate mixture for every application. The wildflower strips are a magnet for beneficial insects and the catch crop mixtures help to improve soil health in the long term.